American Anime Industry: Put your hands up, and calmly step away from the mainstream. This is an order.
Not to be a jerk, but I'm really against anime gaining any more popularity than it currently has. Don't get me wrong, I want Bandai and ADV and Akamatsu Ken to eat as much as the next guy. Give em your money and the TV ratings. Just not so much that they start buying diamond studded yachts and private islands to hold exclusive Battle Royale's with midgets.

I may be a dick, but I'm also not one of those guys that expects you to read a seven page missive with no pictures put in between paragraphs.
And it's not because I want dirty peons invading my "special" club. Trust me, I want the whole world to know the awesomeness of
loli-in-a-bag and stupid memes like "DattebayoUguu~FYGDesu"
more than you can imagine. But it's not to be.
And I'll tell you why.The problem herein lies is that when things get popular, some people start seeing $$$.. y'know, like this: $_$ (
imagine KA-CHING! sfx when you read that). People that are just going to get in there and fuck things up because "hey, this Jap shit is too weird and adult to market to our target demograph:
being every single living person who owns a thumb."
Hello 4Kids. Hello
Illumitoon. Who's next? FOXanime?

I suppose more success = more licences... but it's not gonna be your Haruhis, Honey & Clovers, or Ourans making the big bucks. Noone's sitting in a boardroom saying,
"shit, let's licence Bartender and make us some real money!" Hell, it probably wouldn't even be a Death Note or Code Geass breaking out. Oh, they'll make some money... but not the kind that gets corporate fatcats salivating over newborn Jewish babies. And this isn't even getting into the pitfalls of potential rising licencing fees... I don't see a whole lot of benefits for
Obscure Cultural Reference Anime Series X just because of Bleach blowin' up.

Manga has the same problem.. and perhaps it's already in deeper than anime, since they seem to have a more inroads with the "regular" young folk. I'm not going to get too into it, but
generally I think the difference in quality between an anime DVD and volume of manga is telling. With manga the translations are looser, and the end product is more prone to mistakes and an overall impression of less attention paid to
We'll always have fansubs (or will we?) but I like to buy stuff on a shiny disc, kept in an amaray case with pretty pictures on it. None of us like to see anime sodomized (except for the ones with "those" scenes).
At the end of the day, I'm just saying that I want my wallet to stay relevant to the companies licensing this stuff. When us nitpicky geeks aren't buttering the right side of the company's bread anymore it's gonna mean trouble.
Hopefully we're not already there.Note: If this rant reads ill-thought out, well, it's because I basically freestyled it off the top of my head (y'know, like Eminem in 8 Mile. I'm pretty cool like that).Labels: editorial, rants