NHK falls and Black Lagoon returns with balls
A Word From Some Jabroni
So there's a live-action of Mushishi playing at the Venice film festival around now. That kinda came out of the blue. Hopefully they haven't screwed it up with bad CGI or some emo looking teen idol playing Ginko-san.
Speaking of that, I saw Basilisk's live-action movie the other day; "Shinobi: Heart Under Bore." As you may tell from my witty play of words, I was fond of it none too much. And it's not because Basilisk: The Anime was so awesome, it was just because it clearly sucked ass.
The fighting was zzzz, and the drama was too poorly staged to allow for the copious amounts of overacting (I can handle melodrama but this felt way off). And the casting—oh, the casting!
Gennosuke just came off as an emo crybaby punk who should be updating his myspace instead of fighting ninjas. And Yukie Nakama; I love you as Yankumi, but you were quite awful as Oboro-dono. Save the cartoon expressions for Gokusen season 3.
But forget that. Onto the stocks. Black Lagoon is back bitches!
The Week In Recap

And let me just make this clear right now:
I do not need—nor want—to see a team of AT riders in wheelchairs.
AIRG got crossbody blocked with a wicked 1 3/4 drop.

BLAGN's full point rise saw it standing tall above the competition.

With a little under twenty episodes to go, consumers hope that Saya breaks out of her lame streak sooner than later, lest this turn into a case of ROD The TV where Nancy only goes into Miss Deep mode in the last 2 minutes of the series.
A 1/4 share increase keeps investors looking up optimistically for BLDP.

The biggest problem this company seems to have in front of it right now is a desperate need to get it's characters and problems across. Mister and the crew aboard Serenity lack connection with the audience; Angelica and doujikko are reduced to cameos; and despite a looming character death, the 12 sisters got only bare minimum face time. (and in regards to their conversation, I don't blame them. I've seen those Gothic Lolita outfits, and they ain't cheap)
One has to wonder what the episode count is on this, because this looks to be a classic example of the creative staff trying to get a 26 episode series into a 13 count.
Mister is eyeballing a top spot on the index, but a point drop for RAGT is not the way to go about it.

Still, Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni has managed to jumble itself up so royally in the last two financial quarterlys that analysts expect it to take a lot more answers until HIGU stock starts moving significantly again.
The writers are far from letting everything out the bag, but as long as it continues like this, HIGU should see more gains.

OURAN's 3/4 rise surprised many people this week.

The difference was clear between the episodes though, because Ginko loves the ladies and instead moved into full pimp mode, wearing a turtleneck sweater like Shaft.
The writing was on the wall (face) for MUSHi which saw a 1/4 rise in it's floor price.

PPD was an interesting stock to track, because while it didn't get out to a terrible start, it's first episodes couldn't be considered good either. It continued to stumble as they poured more and more characters into the soup, until it had probably had the largest active roster of the year.
But then, before investors knew it, Pani Poni Dash! and it's purposely cliched characters had managed to win them over, despite an overreliance on gags referential to fandom that is 97% off our radar.
A large part of this was due to the great character performance of the baka Himeko, depressed rabbit Mesousa, and one of the best fringe female characters this season; a-typical class president, Ichijou-san. This troupe ended up being PPD's three main comedy anchors.
It's recently been licenced, so those who missed their product offering will get a second chance on DVD. Hopefully for ADV's sake, the first bunch of episodes play better than they did the first time around.
PPD proved that comedy is not always as easy as clicking your fingers, but the results do come to those who persevere.

Among them:
Kanaria ph34red the 1/4 point fall in RZNT's hot streak.

Which is not to say that the product being offered is subpar, but it is in no way destination viewing and many are already finding that a concious effort needs to be made to put aside time to watch NHK ni Youkoso! each week.
Analysts predict that added eroge will see stocks pick up next week.
Investors hope they chose the right path after they watched NHK take a 2 3/4 dive.

XHOLC took flight with a single point increase.