The big red shake up
A Word From Some Jabroni
Lots of big changes this week. Three shows delisting. Two nearly went bankrupt. And others took huge hits as I shook my head and realized that they just kinda suck more than I thought.
Of course the real important news is thatI'm blogging again!there's been lots of Negima!? previews, and thankfully it's looking pretty darn spiffy (check the ticker if you're searching for a link).
Oh, and of course, how can we forget the Transformers news that has millions of fanboys crying like little girls because there's no Soundwave in the movie? I could care less about that, but the new designs do look a little off to me. Like too complicated. Although I also think anyone that wants to see Megatron turn into a tiny handgun 1/1000th of his size is just high on nostaljuana.
But yeah, I could really care less as long as Starscream is whiney, things blow up, and there's big chase scenes.
And that's it for today. Enjoy the recap.
The Week In Recap
AIR GEAR 17-19

Critics have said that battles lack logical explanation of techniques and counter-techniques and that the supporting characters watching from the sidelines don't make good enough "ZOMG!" faces to make this a top tier program, but recent stock prices have proved that the product of late has entertained investors marginally from before, nevertheless.
AIRG faced all it's critics head on and managed a 2 1/4 rise.

Black Lagoon was quite a surprise hit from the previous season's offerings. It started out quite clearly a series about blowing shit up while looking cool doing it, and while it never strayed from this path, it did throw a major curveball in the form of compelling dialogue that not only kept you from hitting the skip button, but actually stood out as some of the highlights from it's episode run. Something that many actioneers can't claim likewise.
It was also nice to see badass characters on my
With a perfect blend of big action and the animation to back it; vibrant and immoral characters for not only the main but supporting roles; and down-time that was more than just typical anime filler, Black Lagoon was more than just the average wham-bam action series many expected, and wound up being a break-out secrurity that has investors impatiently waiting for it's return in 2007.
BLAGN cashed out at 57.00, a quarter point rise from the week before. We are awaiting word on ass carving.
BLOOD+ 39-42

The stock took a downward spiral on Tuesday when four episodes back-to-back finally made investors realize just how much this series is dragging out. Unfortunately for many, it seems to be a case where they've invested so much time into BLDP, leaving them in too deep to just get out and drop all stock at this point. Hopefully for them, things will be picking up in the near future. The VERY near future.
BLDP took several full point drops of 4 this week. More is expected in the future.

Many analysts agree that they wish someone would pull a Kyoto-arc on Rurouni Ragtime and stick each of the 11 sisters in seperate rooms where they would have to be defeated one-on-one after lots of special attacks and flashbacks.
If August plays a bigger part in subsequent episodes analysts expect RAGT stock to see larger gains than a 1/4 point.

Analysts praised Ergo Proxy's innovation in exposition this episode and the fact that a sub was released after several months of waiting is amazing by itself, but it couldn't stop investors from taking a long hard look at the company, and general consensus seemed to be that Ergo Proxy is only going to fall further from it's original success the longer Vincent Law remains alive, Pino or no Pino.
CEO of of Ergo Proxy is desperately hoping they can turn around their stock's downward spiral.

And unlike Rozen Maiden Traumend (recapped below) they were sure to tell a denoument worthy of their investors.
However, some analysts are putting a damper on the festivities, claiming that the bulk of the series was so bland that a blow-off that stands apart from the bulk episodes was an easy feat. There is some truth to this, as we see GXS started out quite solid on the exchange but quickly became a bottom stock after it's mid-year earnings, and up until the very end it was on the verge of going bankrupt several times.
The weakness of it's stock is also a testament to just how well they delivered the final two episodes. Even after a great deal of apathy for the company, the creative heads for Gun X Sword somehow managed to pull it's shareholders back and make certain they saw them through to the end.
Carmen99 was amazed that GXS managed to make it this far, let alone cash out in the green.

Oogabooga, HIGU saw a half point rise this week.

It was a tough week for Ginko, but he managed to gain a 1/4 point on top of MUSHI's already strong floor price.

MTEKI had all the other comedies licked this week, with a 2 1/2 jump.

A 1 and a half point drop showed that consumers weren't having as good a time as Honey and Usa-chan thought.

Unfortunately that couldn't shake the fact that this company needed an extra two or four episodes in it's annual output to really put some polish on that last financial quarter.
A prime example of this was when top board member, Souseiseki, left the company. This should have had all the punch that Hinaichigo's exile had (ironically, this came second so should have theoretically been at a disadvantage), but Souseiseki didn't get enough time to contribute anything worthwhile—beyond bad clothing—to the company and as such got sent off with about all the fanfare of a corporate cutback.
Final hour flaws aside, noone can argue that Rozen Maiden Traumend was surprisingly a major player on The ASX this year for a number of reasons, but mainly due to it consisting of one of the most fun and fleshed out harems ever seen. Suiseiseki being nominated for the MVP '06 award doesn't hurt either.
If you're ever presesented with a letter for shares in RZNT that asks: Will You Buy / Will You Sell? Make sure you circle the first option.
RZNT may have rested a little for it's last week, but it didn't stop it cashing out #3 on the index.

As stands, they're only a thread away from having all their books audited. Which will not be a pretty sight.
TSUYO hit the floor with a 5 point flop.

On Thursday, however, it managed to just keep itself afloat in the water with the timely assistance of a giant neko, the vestal sprite, and some Yuuko FTW!® The press release for next week's output promises more continued cameos from the past — which may have very well saved XHOLC's skin for now.
Analysts can only pray that more Yuuko FTW!® is planned in the near future as well.
Yuuko helped XHOLX stay in the game with a 1/4 point rise this week.
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